Friday, December 7, 2007

What does it take

this one's dedicated to you jerkface.

What does it take
(c) 2007

I met a guy who treated me differently than everyone else
said I was special, that i was somethin else
I fell in love with him, thought we shared a future
He said he felt the same way
but couldn’t love me anymore

What does it take to fall out of love

How long will it take for this heartache to end
How many times will I have to hear you say, I’m sorry I can’t love you this way

How long before I meet someone else to wipe away my tears
To tell me I’m beautiful, that everything will be okay
To love me and be by my side, to share a life with

What does it take
to heal a broken heart

Girl it breaks my heart to see you this way
I still love you but in a different way
Please know I never meant to hurt you B
It’s just as hard for me to see you this way

This is my prayer, that I may find peace
But until time restores my heart this is my cry