Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Moving Forward

Dear God,

I'm trying, I've been trying.

People say I'm just infatuated with him, but I think it's more than that. I thought I moved on, I really did. I really did love him. I think I still do. Maybe I have moved on and what's left are the memories and the attachments, infatuation? It's not fair God. It's not fair. I've lived what I thought was an obedient life, patient, pure. It isn't fair, it's not right for him to have taken advantage of me, my innocent heart. I really don't think I deserve any of this heartbreak. God, I really thought we had a future together. I thought he was a blessing from you, from mom. I know that mom would have loved him as a future son-in-law.

God, I prayed and prayed. Never anything selfish, but always trusting in you and letting your will be done. Was it never part of your will then? Should I fight for it? Let it go? If it is part of your plan no matter the obstacles will you bring us together? I'm sorry God but I'm not sure I believe in that kind of stuff. I don't believe in the perfect one anymore. I don't know God. I'm sorry to feel all jaded on Love, I know that makes you sad. Love, one of the greatest gifts from you. Something you'd love to see happen with all of us.

God, let your will be done. I've always said it, and I won't ever stop. But please God, if this isn't part of your will, please show me God. I've asked you a thousand times to show me a sign, something, anything that will show me it's not part of your amazing plan for me. But I'm not sure I've gotten it yet. Please God, show me something. I'm desperate to move on and to let go. My hurts to be healed. All attachments loose. Gone away. This is my prayer God, my prayer to you. I am sorry I've been so consumed in this whole mess. This sick love that's destracting me from chasing after you, pursuing you. Glorifying you, praising you, loving you. This love is weighing me down, narrowing my perspectives, disillusioned with love. Jaded.
Forgive me Father for my selfish ways and purify my heart. Help me to be that lady of virtue, of integrity. Help me to love you. Sometimes though, it's hard to grasp you-living in the tangible world we live in now.

Father, I know you love me so much. No matter how low I am in life, how far I distance myself from you, I know that I am blessed with your grace. Your grace renews my heart, your grace loves me all over again. Your grace teaches me to love. Thank you.

Well it's getting pretty late. I should go now. Thank you for always listening to me, your weak, selfish, daughter. I'm in need of so much grace. Thank you, and thank you. In all things, I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Left of you in me

Left of you in me

(c) 2007 Sarah Kim

All Rights Reserved


Sometimes I cry when I think of you

They think I’ve moved on

But if they only knew

Your pictures I hold on tight to

Squeezing whatever memories

I have left of you


And I look in the mirror and try to see

What’s left of you in me

…..Do they see it??


Can you see it, can you feel it

When I do the things I do

Can you see her, can you feel it

She’s living inside of me


I try to hear your voice calling out my name

I miss you mom

That’s all I can say

And I’ll fight back the tears

Doing whatever I can

To always remember your face

Pre chorus

And I look in the mirror and try to see

What’s left of you in me

…..Do they see it??


Oh the sun will rise, the sun will set

The years go by, the tears grow faint

Time will catch up for my rest

Then will I see you…

Then will I see you…


Can you see it, can you feel it

When I do the things I do

Can you see her, can you feel it

She’s living inside of me

Can you see her in me

What’s left of you in me...